Customer Testimonials

Jackie Liew

“Quick Response.”


“Very quick and friendly service. Well done to all of the staff. Will definitely repeat order soon.”

Melody Koh

“Service after sale : 5 stars ”


“Very good quality of products and efficient in attending a customer. Highly recommended if your are interested in their services.”


“Service was fast and efficient”

Looi Chia

“Staff Shasha extremely helpful and patience. Thumbs up!”


“Very fast response!”


“I had a wonderful experience dealing with the helpful staff of All ID Asia. The barcode scanner that I bought is user friendly and the price is reasonable!”

Lim Hui Voon

“Very fast and prompt reply. The info given are clear enough.”

Seki Ng

“Very quick to respond. Sakinah managed to answer all my queries on the product.”


“Good and helpful after sales service, price also very good.”

Radzi Zawawi

“ Thanks to All ID which greatly helped provide the need for ID card printers and online technical assistance, now two Datacard and Fargo DTC1250e printers in the school are ready to operate. Many thanks to the staff of Ms. Shasha & Mrs. Pris who helped.”

Jie Fiz

“ The best service on this company. 5 stars ready to provide more teaching on how to use this printing”

Sathan Ramasamy

“Excellect service. Prompt feedback and very helpful agents.”

Thaqif Firas

“Good service, quick & easy to deal with. I rate 5 star.”

Ms Cheah

“Very useful and you have been very helpful. Thank you.”

Tan Boon Kiat

“Although we have many request, however they are always managed to fulfill our requirement and they put our request on, they helped a lot in our printer issue, many thanks to 3 staffs – Pris, Diana, Hisyam for the excellent service. Good job and well done.”